Topic outline

    • Group Activity for Week 3

      Gather together with your Team of four on Tuesday afternoon, assign one video to each person in the group from the Channel High Resolution - YouTube (shared in the Tools section as well). After watching the videos:

      - Find the role and values of design used in the featured corporations.
      - What can we learn from that person's perspective?
      - Find out how design plays an strategic role in their business. If it doesn't what is your opinion on it?
      - Reflect on the videos. Were their answers convincing? Did they show compelling arguments? Do you agree with them?
      - Compare the values and reflections of those companies in contrast with the company you chose with your couple.

      This are all prompts to help you analyse this videos further. But any reflection is valid :)


      On Thursday morning we will gather together in class to share our perspectives and conclusions from 9:15 to 10:15.
      After that we will enjoy a lecture from an invitee until 12 and continue at 13.00 with the mentoring sessions (slots already available in the Week 3 section.

      If you have any questions don't hesitate in contacting me,

    • Assignment icon

      Please submit your individual (visualized if you like) learning diary/report every Friday before midnight 1/2 (minimum) to 1 A4 Page (maximum).

      Please highlight what you found to be most interesting, insightful and useful, including what you found difficult to comprehend or appreciate, as well as your thoughts about the teaching and learning approach utilized.

      You are also encouraged to comment on your team dynamics, interaction and performance or something else you would like to convey.