
    • Inlämningsuppgift icon

      Please upload both your Final Report and your Final Presentation (the one that you will show on Thursday) before the deadline.

      Note: Please write your team mates full name in the report and presentation + student number + Aalto email in order to make the grading process easier and faster.

    • Inlämningsuppgift icon

      Please submit your individual (visualized if you like) learning diary/report before Friday midnight 1/2 (minimum) to 1 A4 Page (maximum).

      Please highlight what you found to be most interesting, insightful and useful, including what you found difficult to comprehend or appreciate, as well as your thoughts about the teaching and learning approach utilized.

      You are also encouraged to comment on your team dynamics, interaction and performance or something else you would like to convey.

    • Omröstning icon

      Please just book one slot per couple.
      After all the slots are booked I will upload the program for Thursday 27th with planned breaks.

      Each couple will have 10 minutes to present and 10 minute feedback from Peter and the class. (Feedback time may variate).