PHYS-E0411 - Advanced Physics Laboratory D, 17.01.2021-30.05.2021
This course space end date is set to 30.05.2021 Search Courses: PHYS-E0411
Topic outline
The Advanced Physics Laboratory (APL) course will be given in spring 2021 during periods III-V as an online course with no contact teaching. The exercises will be presented in the form of written instructions and video demonstrations. Each student selects three (3) exercises from the available six (6) choices and prepares one (1) full report and completes two (2) "lomake" assignments on the basis of model data delivered by request to those students who decide to participate in each of the exercises. The reservation system will be made active once the assistants have prepared the video material for their exercises. There will be a limit to the maximum number of students accepted for each exercise and the selections of exercises must be made before the deadline April 16th.
You should enroll to the course in Oodi. The MyCourses news forum will be used to inform participants about updates.