Topic outline

  • The Advanced Physics Laboratory (APL) course includes a variety of exercises on selected physical phenomena. The goal is to deal with real measurement scenarios and to dig deeper into some interesting and timely phenomena. Many of the exercises use active research equipment at the department. Unfortunately the students may not make the measurements themselves due to the restrictions posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

    The aim is to practice writing of a concise, clear and coherent report on the basis the exercise descriptions and real measured model data. This is a skill that is needed in special assignments and theses, but also in all real life reporting.

    In spring 2021, the APL course offers 6 exercises, three of which have to be completed by each student by producing one (1) full report and two (2) "lomake" submissions:

    1. Boiling phenomena
    2. Photonic Bandgap Materials
    3. Quantization of conductance in nanowires
    4. Synthesis and measurement of carbon nanotubes
    5. Surface state dispersion of copper with STM
    6. Superconducting niobium cavity

    Questions regarding a specific exercise: ask the assistant.

    Questions regarding the course in general: ask the coordinator Juha Tuoriniemi  juha.tuoriniemi(ät)