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      Group Assignment:

      You will be divided into groups of approximately 5 students in Friday 11 September session. Discuss with your group, and choose one country. Report the country you chose as well as your names in the MyCourses discussion forum. 

      Get acquainted with the main characteristics of its planning system. Analyze the planning system by making comparisons to the Finnish system. What kind of similarities you can find? What are the main differences? What kind of explanations you can find to the similarities and the differences? When preparing your analysis, you can discuss for instance cultural, legal, political, and economic contexts in which planning systems are embedded.

      Write a report (approximately 10 to 15 pages depending on the size of your group) of your findings. Remember to report also your sources. Submit your report on the 12th of October at the latest. Present your findings to the whole course (for instance with pp-slides). Presentations will on on October 14th and 16th (and 21 October if needed). Submit your report via MyCourses before your presentation.

      You can also submit the slides via submission portal (or other extra material), if you you have additional information in the slides.

      Only one submission per group required, but make sure that all group members are mentioned in the front page.