Osion kuvaus

  • I would really appreciate your support in improving the quality of this course.

    I will appreciate constructive feedback.

    Grade 5 (weighted as a +5% in the final) is given if you just submit ALL your feedbacks.

    To anonymise the feedback, your submissions will be at first only associated with nicknames. 

    You will share the feedback nicknames at the end of the course.

    Deadline for the intermediate feedback is 15.3.2021 at 23:55.

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: Kuulut ryhmään L01 (Oodi)
      Tiedosto icon
      Feedback reflections Tiedosto PDF
    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: Kuulut ryhmään L01 (Oodi)
      Verkko-osoite icon
      Intermediate feedback nickname association Verkko-osoite