
  • At this course we adopt the blended learning approach by combining online education material and learning with face-to-face workshops (if corona situation allows). The content of the course is organized in ten weekly themes that each include a set of "must-knows", "should-knows", and "nice-to-knows". The "must-knows" are things that you must learn to pass the course. These things are addressed in videos and reading materials that can be studied online. The "should-knows" are things that you must learn to rearch a high grade. These things are addressed in the course readings, discussed at the workshops and worked in the empirical assignment (if you do the 5 credit course).  The nice-to-knows are things that will provide you additional benefits in your future career, and they are mostly provided you in the form of case-Podcasts and videos. In the file below you will find a core content analysis of the course that describes these issues in details.

    The idea is that you deepen the learning of each of the ten themes in three phases:

    1. Learn the basics of the theme by watching the video and doing the quizzes in the end of the video. You must answer correctly to all quizzes to pass the course. You are allowed to retake the quizzes as many times as necessary.

    2. Deepen your understanding of the theme by reading the related article and by answering to the weekly assignment questions. This serves also as an open exam, so you do not need to take the exam after the course.

    3. In the four case-workshops the learned things are applied to practice. In each case-workshop there are 2-4 tasks about of the themes of the two previous weeks that form the assignment. The groups of 3-4 students discuss the tasks and prepare to present their solution in the workhop, where it is discussed with 1-2 other groups and the teachers of the course.

    The videos and weekly assignment questions are all published in the beginning of the course, and you are allowed to do all weekly assignments as early as you want, but at latest by the assigned deadline.

    Those who do the 5 credit course will also deepen their learning by refecting the concepts and theoretical knowledge learned at the course to a real-life situation. The empirical assignment will be carried out in groups of 4 students. The empirical assignment is done by making an interview in a firm, collecting data from public sources, and reviewing course materials and other literature. In the "Assignments"-section you will find more detailed description about the empirical assignment.