Osion kuvaus

    • Tiedosto icon
      A simple yet powerful technique to open your mind to the opportunity richness of any environment. Every day has many time slices of experience that can be captured, reflected on and improved upon. Take your mobile to capture visually and bring along a note book. In the notebook, make three columns "Observation" "Implication" and "Improvement Opportunities".

      As you navigate through the campus environment (a complex and multifaceted experience), plan to spend some quiet time (15-20 min) making as many observations as possible (10 min) drawing out implications and improvement opportunities (5-10 min) after but if these spring to mind in the moment of observation note them down!

      This is a fantastic exercise for each of you to do to seed potential ideas for the group project!

      And big thanks to my colleague and friend Tina Seelig at Stanford for the idea! 

    • Verkko-osoite icon

      Systematic creativity starts with identifying the component parts of a product, service (or experience for that matter) and exploring the potential benefits of removing part(s), replacing part(s), redefining how component(s) can be used in other contexts, or creating new relationships between two previously unrelated dimensions of an offering.

      Drawing on the work of

    • Tiedosto icon

      An insightful and structured way to "document" a journey - for example, in the current context creating "touchless" experiences is a priority - a journey map would be helpful in identifying the multitude of "touch points" in the journey. There is a wealth of potential opportunities nested in that concept :)

    • Verkko-osoite icon

      Creating a "wooden" mock up of an idea

    • Verkko-osoite icon

      IKEA is trolled by a design agency interested in seeing whether consumers would be interested in a new light switch plate. CarsDirect created a "facade" (put up a website) to gauge interest of consumers in buying cars online (without a business or inventory!). The market "research" proved the hypothesis but at a cost (buying 4 cars to fulfil the orders made on the site when it was live). In other words, the feel of a "pop up store without the store"! 

      And notice that the "troll" putting the product on the shelf is wearing an "IKEA shirt" (without the stripes)