Topic outline

  • General

    Not available unless: You are a(n) Student

    Course schedule:

    29.10. What Design Learning?

    5.11. Why Design Learning?

    12.11. Empathy and Mistakes

    19.11. Prototyping

    26.11. Iteration: Testing & Refining

    3.12. Preparing for the Show and Party (no lecture*)

    10.12. Show and Party

    Continuous homework:

    • After each contact teaching: summary of the learning outcome in the sketchbook (visual-written). Post a picture to MyCourses 'After each session' forum by next Wednesday.

    • After each contact teaching: read a designated article and make notes of it in the sketchbook (text, visual, mind map etc.). Post a picture to MyCourses 'Reading reflections' forum by next Wednesday.


    • (Before lecture 2.) Saavedra, A. and Opfer, V. (2012). Teaching and Learning 21st Century Skills: Lessons from the Learning Sciences. A Global Cities Education Network Report. New York, Asia Society.
    • (Before lecture 3.) Salovaara, Janne, J. (2013). Designing with Emotions: Empiric or Empathic. In Kirsi Niinimäki & Mira Kallio-Tavin (eds.), Dialogues for Sustainable Design and Art Pedagogy – The Ah-Design Project. Helsinki: Aalto University. p.112-119.
    • (Before lecture 4.) Groth, Camilla (2017). Making Sense Through Hands: Design and Craft Practice Analysed as Embodied Cognition. Helsinki: Aalto University. p.1-8.
    • (Before lecture 5.) Kangas, Kaiju (2014). The Artifact Project. Promoting Design Learning in the Elementary Classroom. p. 25-33.

    Material budget:

    The UWAS - Design Learning-C0008 course (29.10.-10.12.2020) is organized this year remotely. For this reason, we have a budget of 25 euros for each student for buying materials for the course assignment from Aalto Pahvi (Otaniementie 9, 02150 Espoo). 

    When buying materials, please tell the course name and your name at the Aalto Pahvi counter, and the sum will be marked in the course budget. 

    After tomorrow, you can get the SuoMu sketchbook from Aalto Pahvi and buy a nice pen for your sketchbook working. Mari will provide some pen recommendations, that you can ask for at the Aalto Pahvi counter.

    We will later provide you with more instructions related to getting the project materials from Aalto Pahvi. More information related to the project will be provided latest by the third lecture.

    Project brief:
    (to be announced)

    *Final project submission description:

    (1) Finalize the Design Learning Tool + write a short analysis about your tool in your sketchbook (Design Learning tool for WHO, WHAT, WHY, HOW..?): post to MyCourses forum

    (2) Finalize sketchbook + add missing contents (the sketchbook should contain notes from all the lectures, summaries of all the homework articles, and other additional sketchbook tasks)

    (3) Write a short reflection about what is design learning in your opinion and how your view on learning has changed during the course to your sketchbook based on what you have learned and experienced in this course (style is free: moodboard, mindmap, text, pictures, etc.): post to MyCourses forum

    Notes and reflections in MyCourses by 9.12.2020.

    + Prepare to have a visual 5 min. pitch about your Design learning tool! :)