Osion kuvaus

  • Your feedback is very valuable for the development of the course, so please be active and provide your feedback both during and after the course! We have used the feedback from the previous courses to develop this course further (see courses 2019, 20182017 and 2016).

    Feedback during the course

    The most efficient way to give feedback is to provide it during the course directly to the teachers. You can also send your feedback by email to wat-eng@aalto.fi, or use the anonymous feedback box below. 

    Feedback after the course

    There are three main ways to give feedback after the course: 

    • Aalto's electronic feedback survey through Webropol
    • Specific WAT Course electronic feedback during Synthesis Week (also through Webropol)
    • Through the Reflection & Feedback Session on our last day 

    The first two forms of feedback are anonymous, while the discussion during the Reflection & Feedback Session are done in groups. The session also provides you with a facilitated way to give feedback to your group with the help of Aalto's award-winning 'I like, I wish' activity, complementing your Peer and Self Assessment.

    Feedback on your feedback

    Thank you for the valuable course feedback you provided through WAT Course Feedback Survey and the Aalto Feedback Survey, as well as during our Reflection & Feedback Session on the synthesis week!  Here comes a short feedback to your feedback ('vastapalaute'), based on the discussions we had also with WAT teaching staff.  

    Your feedback was generally positive, and showed that we succeeded to apply the lessons learnt from last spring's online practices quite nicely: the course proceeded smoothly and you specifically appreciated the breakout room discussions and other interactive elements used in teaching sessions. Also group work seemed to go ok, which was visible also in the self and peer grades you gave. According to the synthesis week discussions, the Feedback Survey answers and your final grades, the online implementation of the course didn't seem to have an impact on your final learning outcomes, at least if we compare to the similar results from previous years.

    Overall, you seemed to appreciate the general introduction that WAT Course provides to our field and Master's Programme, and understand how it links to our advanced courses. This is indeed among the main aims of the WAT Course: to get an understanding of different themes and methods our Master's Programme has, so that you are able to select those Advanced Courses that teach them in more detail.

    Based on your feedback we plan thus to keep the general structure of the WAT Course similar, but continue fine-tuning some weekly assignments to be more coherent and in line with other weeks. Also scheduling and instructions require still some fine-tuning, including clearer instructions and more time to some of the assignments. 

    Thank you once again for your feedback, and good luck with your Advanced Courses! Remember also that you can always contact myself or Marko (or your own mentor) if you have questions regarding those. Remember also to keep in touch with each other e.g. through Akva activities to support and sustain your WAT2020 group spirit!

    Kind regards, 

     Meeri & co

    • Tiedosto icon

      We ask your feedback both during and after the course - but why? 

      This one-page document summarises four reasons to give feedback, linking it also to the PDCA cycle of Aalto Handbook