Osion kuvaus

  • This thematic week introduces you to environmental management and sustainability, including key aspects related to sustainability awareness, values and worldviews, and life cycle analysis LCA. 

    The week consists of the following submitted tasks:

      • Thematic task: Board game Pre-tasks (DL: part A: Fri 2.10 at 9.00 / part B: Sun 4.10. at 23.00)
      • Weekly exercise: Environmentally extended input-output (EE IO) analysis (DL Wed 7.10. 12:00)

    General schedule for the week is shown in the figure below, while the detailed schedule can be found below the figure.


    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija

      Detailed time schedule

      All sessions this week will be held online in the course Zoom.

      Monday 28.9. 

      09:00 - 12:00 Introduction to the week (Meeri) & Introduction to LCA (Juudit Ottelin)
      12:00 - 13:00 Lunch break
      13:00 - 16:00 LCA weekly exercise

      Tuesday 29.9.

      09:00 - 16:00 Individual/pair work (LCA exercise)

      Wednesday 30.9.

      11:00 - 12:00 Wrap-up of the weekly exercise
      12:00 - 13:00 Lunch break
      13:00 - 16:00  Introduction to the Thematic Task: Board game preparatory tasks 1-4

      Thursday 1.10.

      Individual work with the thematic task

      Friday 2.10. 

      09:00 - 12:00 Board game seminar 
      13:00 - 13.45 Instructions for the Follow-up assignment
      13:45 - 16:00 Individual work with the Thematic task (follow-up assignment)

    • Lecture material

    • Exercise material

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija
      Tehtävä icon
      Weekly exercise: Environmentally extended input-output (EE IO) analysis Tehtävä
    • Reading material