Topic outline

  • Portfolio is an evolving document that you update regularly after you have completed a new set of courses. Meetings with with your Mentor Group are intended to help you to reflect your learning and to share your experiences. 

    In order to keep track of your portfolio process, submit a new version of your portfolio as advised below.

    Note: Before you graduate, you should submit the final version of your portfolio (named accoringly) and inform us about it by email (meeri.karvinen(at) If you want to join the WAT alumni contact list, make sure you provide your contact information in the final portfolio file, or by email.

    You can submit your portfolio in two different ways that you can select yourself:

    1) Through Discussion Forum by adding a New Discussion Topic with your name as a title and your portfolio as an attachment to your topic. After, submit new versions of portfolios by replying to your original Discussion Topic.

    -> This allows you to browse through your portfolio and see how it has evolved. Your portfolios are also visible to other Aalto students browsing through these pages, and you can thus e.g. share your portfolio with your group.

    2) Through Assignment link provided below

    -> This allows you to submit your portfolio so that it is visible only for AaltoWAT teachers. Note that the different versions of portfolio you submit through assignment are not visible even to yourself, so make sure to keep a personal copy of the different versions. 

    Note: If you make an electronic portfolio (e.g. website), print the current version of the portfolio as .pdf-document and submit it as your current version.

    • Submit your portfolio to this forum by Adding a new discussion topic, with its subject including your full name only. 

      If your portfolio is a file, attach it to your message. If it is e.g. web page, provide a link in the text and also attach a current version of the page as e.g. .pdf file.

      Add your updated portfolio as a reply to your existing discussion thread: all your portfolio versions should thus be visible in same discussion thread.  

      Note that your portfolio is visible to all MyCourses users having 


    • Submit your portfolio through this assignment link.

      Note that your submission is only visible to AaltoWAT teachers: make thus sure you keep personal copies of the different portfolio versions.