
  • Four learning logs are written during the course, every log has a theme that is related to the course. The learning logs are reflective, personal texts, visual material such as sketches and photos may be added. All sources should be mentioned. The logs should be put into MyCourses by the given deadline. Length of each text 3000-5000 characters including spaces.

    • Inlämningsuppgift icon

      Essay on the given building and the images of it, analysing how it is originally presented.


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      Essay on the role of the image based on the given readings. Reflections on one or several of the texts connected to the theme of the course. 

      Please reflect the following questions against the course readings and in your text: 

      1. If you think of your own experiences with architectural media, do you remember there being an image that affected you strongly and if so, how (and if not, why)?
      2. What is architectural photography and what is it for? How is it similar or different compared to other fields of photography?
      3. How have architectural photos developed or changed their role in communication during the last decades? 
      4. How would you describe the current media environment of architecture? 
      5. When thinking of the media environment at large, how do the aspects of commercial, informative and artistic interests relate one another and affect the various channels through which architecture is represented?
      6. Why do you think that the photograph has gained such a pivotal and controversial role in our perception of architecture – compared to other media such as film, video or text?
      7. What would be your definition for critical photography in the field of architecture?

    • Inlämningsuppgift icon

      Essay on your interpretation of the building and shortened version for the exhibition (a shortened version of this text will be curated for the exhibition). Please reflect the following questions in your text; use the course readings (and any other references) freely.

      1. How would you describe the experienced, sensory presence of your case building? Tell about your reading of the building. How do you see and sense it and its meaning?
      2. What is your chosen viewpoint towards you case building? What is the message you are trying to convey? Tell about the elements and aspects that you are focusing on in your studio project.
      3. What steps have you taken during developing your reading of the building and your chosen viewpoint? Tell about your working process.

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      Your impression of the course and what you have learnt.