Osion kuvaus

  • Here you can find some instructions how to use Zoom in this course. We want everyone to have a smooth and fruitful learning experience, and these instructions are provided to ensure that.

    Following these instructions is mandatory in Seminar Sessions 1, 2 and 3 and highly recommended in the Kick-Off Event and Closing Session.

    One day before the course:

    • Sign in to aalto.zoom.us with your Aalto email and password
    • Download the Zoom application:
    1. Aalto Windows computer: Self-service portal (see instructions)
    2. Aalto Mac: instructions
    3. Other computer: zoom.us/download
    4. Android: Google Play Store
    It takes hours for the application to install to Aalto Workstations through the Self-service portal, so be early. If you start late and an event is soon, consider installing the app on your phone.

    One hour before an event:

    • Open the Zoom application
    • Select Sign in with SSO: aalto.zoom.us
    • provide the Aalto username and password
    It is important that you are signed in with your Aalto credentials. We use preassigned breakout rooms in our sessions and they don't work, if you have joined with anything else.

    15 minutes before an event:

    • check that the Zoom application is still running and you are signed in with your Aalto credentials
    • click the link provided
    • the meeting should open in the application
    1. If not: go to the application and provide the meeting ID
    If a Zoom web page is shown and you are asked to type in a name, something has gone wrong and you are not joining with you Aalto credentials and not able to join your preassigned breakout room. Signing in to Zoom with Aalto credentials is required in Seminar Sessions and not complying with that is considered missing that Seminar Session.

    During an event:

    • keep your mic muted when not talking
    • video is nice at least when you talk, if your bandwidth allows
    • when we start working in breakout rooms, click the Join-button to move to the room
    • questions and comments are very welcome during seminar presentations, just type it to the chat or raise your hand
    • be active
    • learn
    • share your views
    • respect other persons and criticize sensibly, when you disagree
    Working in breakout rooms and using Aalto credentials is required in Seminar Sessions and not complying with that is considered missing that Seminar Session.