Topic outline

  • Welcome to Time management for remote studying!

    Welcome to the Time management for studying-group! 

    On this MyCourses site, you will find materials for the upcoming four meetings and also additional materials that can be used independently. If you have registered for the group, you will be added to this platform by the teachers before the first meeting.  

    To refresh your memory, here is still the description and schedules of the group.


    Time management for studying

    > Is it hard for you to create and maintain daily rhythm and routine?

    > Do you struggle getting study tasks done while studying alone?

    > Is it hard to distinguish free time from the time spent studying?

    > Does it feel like there isn’t enough time to do everything?

    > Is your to do-list so long it seems almost impossible to manage to do everything?

    If your answer to any of these questions is ‘yes’, we can help you! Aalto study psychologists organize group workshop about basics of time management (using Zoom and MyCourses).

    Why? Time-management is one of the most important working life skills, and learning to manage your time is a relevant part of your university studies. When you can manage your time effectively, everyday life is smoother, stress levels are lower and you can find time for the things that are the most important in your life. In the current situations almost everything happens remotely and it creates some new challenges for time-management.

    What and for whom? This group workshop is specifically aimed for bachelor and master level Aalto students (however, PhD-students are also welcome if the course isn’t already full when the enrolment closes). We will examine together time management as a part of self-leadership skills and practice creating a realistic schedule. In addition, we will practice ways to overcome the most common challenges in time-management. No study credits are earned. Language is English. 

    When? The 4 meetings will all be held in Zoom on Fridays 12.11., 19.11. and 26.11. and 3.12 at 13:00-15:00. We hope that all the participants check the timetable before enrolling, because attendance for all sessions is crucial part of this group workshop!

    Who are the teachers? Aalto’s study psychologists Sanni Saarimäki ( and Henna Niiva (

    Enrolment via this webropol link:

    (When enrolling, you will have to answer a few questions. This will take about 5 minutes.)

    Enrolment closes on the 9th of November at 16:00.

    The maximum amount of participants is 12.