PED-131.8700 Supporting Teachers' Multicultural Competence 14.4.-19.6.2021
Topic outline
Material for May 26
Getting your thoughts geared towards language.
This is "nice to know" area, but still interesting :)
Watch before 12.5. session
Please watch this, approximately 25 minute long video before 13.5. session.
Here is a short slideshow on how culture manifests itself in our behaviors. Mostly just food for thought, also combining ideas from the frameworks discussed last time. Although for marketing, it also deals with communication. I recommend trying to apply these ideas to your teaching situations.
Design & Cultural Frameworks (for April 28) URL
Just found this site and this is the best one so far, in my opinion, to getting an idea what the cultural frameworks are about.
Microlearning nuggets can be useful materials for your courses. Here is an example I came up with, something like this takes quite a while to produce, at least for the first time, but now that it's done, I can use it in all my writing courses. If you have some focused items to teach, think about it, this may help you as we have to continue teaching online in the fall.
Another blog on microlearning.
Another interesting article on stereotyping and especially on self-handicapping strategy.
Test yourself to find out whether you score how you'd expect to score. Very interesting!
An interview with Pirre Hyötynen who came back to Finland after 3.5 years in New Zealand with her family. We discuss the differences between these two places especially regarding educational system.
Just Listen File PDF
Time concept allows you to quickly realize what ethnocentricism feels like. These are different ways of experiencing time, none of them superior or inferior. It is interesting to explore how time can be seen so differently.
I love this cartoon, it provides you an insight to how Finns think and behave in general.
Especially in linguistics, most journals request all publications to use gender neutral language. Here is one site to guide you to it, often using plural in English is already a step to the right direction.
Unesco publication on interculturalism.
A basic book on teaching and developing yourself as a teacher.
Can you make your body believe you're smiling? Can you influence your hormone levels through power poses?
Some reading on motivation (mainly for Group 4, but for all interested)
Longitudinal Study on motivation towards mathematics File PDF
Here is the article I promised I would share. Plus some others as well :)