Osion kuvaus

  • Tervetuloa kurssille! / Welcome to the course!

    Suomi 1


    maanantai & keskiviikko kello 16.30-18.00

    opettaja: Maija Lepola (@aalto.fi)

    materiaali: Oma suomi 1, kpl 1-5

    Näissä kaikissa vertailuissa Suomi on maailman paras - Savon Sanomat

    Welcome to study Finnish!

    We will have our first remote lesson on Monday 26.4.2021 at 4:30 pm (klo 16.30). When you join the Zoom-meeting, please write your full name (first name and surname) as user name. Keep your microphone muted and your video on. It is also important to keep your video on in the breakout rooms. If you want to comment on or ask something please do so at any time! Below you can find the Zoom link; we will use the same link for every lesson. You can join the meeting at 16:15 onwards.

    Nähdään kurssilla!

    Terveisin Maija