
  • Tule Zoomiin! Come to Zoom!

    The idea of the test is to provide feedback (to the student and teacher) on what you already know and what needs to be reviewed.
    Please, do no use any supporting material when doing the test - just show what you know and can do at this point. Kiitos!

    • Tillgänglig om: You are a(n) Studerande
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      Suomi 1 testi kesä 2021 Kunskapstest
    • In this test, there are 7 different task types:

      1.       1-10 Choose the word that does not belong to the group.

      2.       11-15 Write the question word.

      3.       Write a dialogue.

      4.       Fill in the words in brackets in correct forms to the text.

      5.       Look at the video and choose the correct answer.

      6.       Family Suomela: listening comprehension and writing.

      7.       Home: Whose room? Choose correct answer.

      You have 90 minutes time to answer the questions and a 10 minute grace period when open attempts can be submitted, but no more questions answered. You will find the test results in 30 days here in MyCourses and in Oodi.

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