ELEC-D0301 - Protopaja, 31.05.2021-31.08.2021
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 31.08.2021 Etsi kursseja: ELEC-D0301
Osion kuvaus
Please, return your project plan by the 16th of June 23:59 by using the template, which is found in the resources section, (or other document with all the sections covered).
Please, submit your file as a PDF.
Please, return your mid-project report by the 23th of July at 23:59. Use the attached project reporting template (also found in the 'resources' section).
The same template will be used for the final reporting. It will be an extended version of the mid-project report.
Please, return your final report (which is an extended version of the mid-project report) by the 31st of August at 23:59. Use the attached project reporting template (also found in the 'resources' section).