Osion kuvaus

  • Orientation Programme June 2022

    Registration by 24.5.2022: https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/357740993BA7637B

    Questions? please contact udes@aalto.fi

    Orientation programme June 2022

    Held over Zoom - if this is the first time you use Zoom at Aalto, it is recommended that you sign in with your Aalto credentials by following these steps:  https://www.aalto.fi/en/services/zoom-quick-guide

    Zoom: https://aalto.zoom.us/j/62968987954 (passcode: JUNE2022)

    Day I: Wednesday 1.6.2022 9:30-16:45 (UTC+3) + social programme

    9:30-10:15        Starting your doctoral studies, Tiina Kotti, Planning Officer & Minna Söderqvist, Service Manager (Doctoral Education Services)

    10:15-10:45     Welcome to Aalto University! Vice President (Education) Petri Suomala; Head of Learning Services Eija Zitting

    11:00-12:30      School specific programme, Dean of the School; Head of the Doctoral Programme; Planning Officer of the Doctoral Programme

    12:30-13:00     Lunch break

    13:00-14:00      Tutor groups meet online

    14:15-16:30      Practicalities: webinars (+ independent study material available on MyCourses)

    14:15-14:45    Moving to Finland, HR Specialists Minna Planman & Eeva Lyytikäinen
    14:45-15:00    Career Services, Manager Aila Saloranta
    15:00-15:15    Turnitin originality check and how to use it, Specialist Luis Costa
    15:15-15:35    Psychological wellbeing, Study Psychologist for Doctoral Students Marja Turunen
    15:45-16:00    Aalto Ventures Programme, Head of Education Lidia Borisova
    16:00-16:15    Doctoral students’ association Aallonhuiput, Nidia Obscura
    16:15-16:30    Student Union AYY, Erik Halttunen, Veera Ollikainen, Tuulia Telin
    16:30-16:45    Employee representatives and trade unions, stop steward Stina Giesecke, Finnish Union for University Researchers and Teachers FUURT

    Social programme by Aallonhuiput

    Day II: Thursday 2.6.2022 9:15-14:00 (UTC+3)

    9:15-11:00        Research services for doctoral students: webinars (+ independent study material available on MyCourses)

    9:15-9:45          Research ethics, Senior Advisor Annukka Jyrämä  
    9:45-10:15        Research information management system ACRIS, Information Specialist Eeva Savolainen  
    10:20-10:40      Open access publishing, Information Specialist Katri Seitsonen  
    10:40-11:00      Research data management in Aalto, Information Specialist Lucie Hradecká 

    11:15-12:00      Panel discussion with recently graduated Doctors

                             Monica Löfman, D.Sc. Aalto ENG
                             Mahwish Zahra, D.Sc. Aalto ELEC
                             Rahul Bangalore Ashok, D.Sc. Aalto CHEM

    12:00-12:30      Lunch break

    12:30-13:15      Aalto newcomers: Welcome to Finland, Helsinki, Espoo and Aalto!, Minna   Söderqvist, Service Manager (Doctoral Education Services)
                             Still unanswered questions

    13:15-14:00      Tutor groups meet online
