TU-C3010 - Projektien suunnittelu ja ohjaus, 09.08.2021-10.09.2021
This course space end date is set to 10.09.2021 Search Courses: TU-C3010
Topic outline
These lesson-styled exercise packages contribute to 10 % of the course grading. Answering each individual question can be tried a total of three (3) times without point penalties. Each exercise package, however, has an unlimited amount of allowed attempts. That is, if you don't get full points from your first attempt, you can try again by starting the exercise package over. Those taking the course in Finnish complete the exercises in Finnish and those taking the course in English complete the exercises in English. Note that no extra points will be provided by completing the exercises in both languages. The exercises are open between August 9th and September 6th 2021.