Topic outline

  • Welcome

    • Welcome to the Business Intelligence course!

      Link to online lecture room:

      The objective of the course is to give the students an understanding of the data informed decision-making. The focus is on business-oriented analytical skills, which enable the students to work with the data, to understand them and turn them into intelligence and actions.

      After the course, you will be able to:
      • Obtain an understanding of the data informed decision-making in enterprises.
      • Obtain business-oriented analytical skills via the use of Power BI, Tableau and IBM Cognos (Optional)
      • Understand the challenges to work with the data, to understand them and turn them into intelligence and actions.

      Evaluation schema
      1. Power BI assignment (20%)
      2. Learning diary (30%)
      3. Tableau assignment (50%)

      Please offer your feedback or suggestion during the course via Presemo here:

      Important Dates:
      February 28: First lecture
      March 15: DL for forming group of 3 - 5 members (If you need help to form a group, please inform course assistant Jiang Yuting <>).
      March 25: DL for Power BI assignment
      April 8:     Tableau Challenage Announcement
      April 19:    DL to submit videos and reports (Tableau Challenage)
      April 20:    DL to submit learning diary
      April 20:    Five teams will be selected and informed to partipate in the final competition.
      April 22:    Final Competition Event (5 teams)

    • Zoom session URL
    • Announcements Forum
      General news and announcements by the course facilitators. With default settings, you'll also receive these to your emailbox.
    • General discussion Forum

      Here you can ask questions from the facilitators, wonder anything and participate with your own ideas.