Welcome to Foundations of Discrete Mathematics
This is the course website for Foundations of Discrete Mathematics (MS-A0402) is given in Period IV on Spring 2022. Discrete Mathematics is the mathematics of finite and countable structures, or loosely speaking the mathematics of sets where there is no notion of "convergence". Methods from discrete mathematics play a large role in many other subjects, in particular in computer engineering and data science. In this course we cover the foundations of discrete mathematics (graphs, enumeration, modular arithmetic) as well as as the foundations of all mathematics on university level (set logic and proof techniques). We also study some modern applications of the theory, in cryptography and networks theory.
For whom? The course is suitable for all Aalto students; no other prerequisites than high school mathematics are necessary.
Lecturer: Tuomas Sahlsten
Course assistants:
- H01 Online Zoom group(meeting ID :625 6727 0245)- Rahinatou Njah (rahinatou.njah@aalto.fi) - Head Assistant
- H02 - Teemu Tasanen (teemu.tasanen@aalto.fi), Tuesdays classroom R001/M240, Undergraduate Centre and Fridays classroom R001/M240, Undergraduate Centre
- H03 - Noora Puputti (noora.puputti@aalto.fi), Mondays classroom R001/Y228b, Undergraduate Centre, and Wednesdays classroom R001/U358 AMER SPORTS, Undergraduate Centre (we had to change the Wednesday class to another class as the size of the class was increased)
Registration: Sisu. When you register for the course on Sisu, remember to also register for one (and only one) exercise group.
Resources: Please see the Materials
Laskutupa: Free math tutoring center. Follow the link for a schedule and other details.
Assignments: See Assignments
Grading policy: The grade for the course will be determined by
Max{H*60 + F*40 , F*100%}
H = Homework, F = Final exam
Final exam and re-take exams: The final exam on April is only organised on campus, we cannot organise both virtual and on-campus examinations for a course. For the re-take exams later in the year, the exercise points will not count towards to the final grade. However, if you cannot attend the first exam on April (please contact me if you cannot and you plan to come to exercise classes), you can take a re-take exam later in the year when you are in Finland, which will also be on campus, there will not be separate virtual exams. In this case, if you had not attended the first exam on April, the exercise points will count towards the final grade (so you can also pass the course also with the 60% assignments, 40% final exam rule in addition to the 100% final exam grade), but you need to first contact me that you are planning to do this as a priori I will the re-take exams will be marked with 100% grade from the final exam. If you already attended the April exam, then the exercise points will not count towards to the final grade you would get in the re-take exam.