Topic outline

  • General

    Welcome to the Operations Management course of spring 2022!

    Important notes! (Updated 8.4.)

    Course exam: read the latest announcement

    Course Structure

    The course consists of
    • lecturesvideos & podcasts
    • readings (see course book below)

    Graded work
    • group assignment
    • final exam

    The book, videos and the lectures complement each other, and it is thus necessary to study the book also in order to succeed in the course / in the assignment.

    Study Material

    All lectures will be held in Finnish, but all course documentation, instructions and lecture materials will be in English.

    Course Book: Slack, N.; Brandon-Jones, A.; Johnston, R. (2011) : Essentials of Operations Management, Prentice Hall 

    Note: Lecture materials for this course are updated in the Lectures section.

    Course Staff

    Dr. Timo Seppälä (

    Jyri Mattila (
    Matias Tekoniemi (

    Please include your student number and the course code TU-C2020 when e-mailing.