
  • Allmänt

    Tämä kurssi käyttää samaa MyCourses-sivustoa kuin laajempi 8 op:n kurssi:


    Seuraa siis kyseistä sivustoa. Voin tarvittaessa lisätä opiskelijoita kyseisen kurssin MyCourses-sivuille, vaikka kahdelle kurssille ilmoittautuminen ei liene enää mahdollista. Voit kurssin aikana itse päättää, kumman kurssin suoritat. Jos ilmoittautuminen kurssille ei uuden SISU-järjestelmän ongelmien takia onnistu, kannattaa ottaa yhteyttä opintojen suunnittelijoihin ja tarvittaessa minuun.

    We will start on Mon, Sept. 13th 2021 at 14.15-15.45 using Zoom

    Linkki Zoom-luentoon:  https://aalto.zoom.us/j/66691922352

    Most probably the lectures will be recorded. All other links will be found on ELEC-A4010 page (Luennot ja harjoitukset).

    All the information will be available on the MyCourses page of ELEC-A4010. I am able to enroll you to be a user of the A4010 MyCourses pages. You can decide during the course if 8 cr (A4010) is better for you (recommended), or 5 cr (as in A4910). No Finnish language or electronics/programming skills are needed in advance. Even if you are a student of Arts or any other faculty, this might be a good choice for you - the contents will be tailored according to your background. The main points are: Personal Learning Diary and Project Work in groups of 3-4 (now max. 4) students, with documentation. Visiting our workshop frequently is preferable. In fact, you will make this course for yourself - be active and build something memorable! The main difference between 4010 (8 cr) and 4910 (5 cr) are the credit points; the 8 cr version is thus a good choice; students of 8 and 5 cr can take part in the same group. It might be a good idea to contact Kimmo for further details, especially concerning learning in English language.

    We have good practices to prevent corona, but if you are exceptionally worried special arrangements are possible. In any case, the excercises can be done at home (but you may need to visit the workshop several times to borrow the necessary components).

    I am happy to answer any questions


    or meet me or the assistants in the workshop (TUAS, entrance floor) : Mon, Wed, Thu 12-14, Thu 14-16, Fri 10-12.