ARTS-E0701 - Contemporary Drawing, Lecture, 16.2.2022-30.3.2022
This course space end date is set to 30.03.2022 Search Courses: ARTS-E0701
Topic outline
ARTS-E0701 - Contemporary Drawing: 16.02.2022-30.03.2022
Contemporay Drawing course starts on Wednesday 16.02. 9.15- in classroom A304-307 (Otakaari 1 X, A-wing, 3rd floor).
Follow MyCourses -page for schedules. Follow also messages in Announcements and in your -mail.
Teachers of the course are:
Marja Nurminen, 050-4317426
Hanna Saarikoski,
This course is taught on campus. It is only possible to take part in this course by participating in contact teaching.
We follow Aalto guidelines regarding the coronavirus situation, and we will also react to possible updates to the guidelines during the course.
We require that face masks be used during the course in all spaces and situations where other people are present, unless prevented for personal health reasons. If you forget to bring a mask, you may obtain one from the lobby services of the building. General hygiene requirements are in force: we will exercise good hand hygiene, maintain distances and not come to the campus if feeling ill.
Welcome to the course!
ContentThe following themes are addressed in the course: the relationship between the body and drawing, the relationship between urban environment and drawing, drawing and the social environment, memory and drawing and a conceptual approach to drawing.
We have built the course content around findings in Marja Nurminen's doctoral research (forthcoming) especially personal orientations towards drawing.
The course has an important intensive period 22nd - 25th of February (Monday - Thursday) when the students are working with their own project. Under the intensive period, there will be also guest lectures every morning.
Assessment Methods and Criteria
Exercises, lectures, personal guidance, and independent work.
88h contact teaching, 74h independent work