Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    The Architectural Writing course is a pragmatic, hands-on workshop to practice writing and literal expression. We'll do some instant exercises, read excerpts from our texts, analyse published texts, and give and receive peer review from each other's writings. The course meetings also provide an academic Agraphia support group for those (i.e. all of us) who have occasional difficulties with writing (writer’s block, procrastination, productivity issues, content management problems etc.) 

    PLEASE NOTE! This course is not a course in academic writing nor a course in English written expression, but it focuses on stimulating and supporting writing as an activity and the productivity of the writing process.

    The course contains two separate study events: Finnish (period III) and English (period IV-V). Their programme is basically the same, only the working language changes. 

    ARK-E1501 Arkkitehtuurikirjoittaminen (in Finnish) Fridays 9.15–11.45 14.1–18.2.2022
    ARK-E1501 Architectural Writing (in English) Tuesdays 9.15–11.45 22.3–26.4.2022

    In spring 2022, we'll work completely online via Zoom and the MyCourses workspace. There is a small pre-assignment (emailed to enrolled students c. 2 weeks before the course starts). Please also start looking for a text of your own (an essay for a school project; a design description; something you are working on (fiction or non-fiction)) in English; the course includes a peer-review task.