
  • Työmaaseuranta / Building Site Monitoring 2021-2022

    ***Unlike SISU is trying to tell you for some reason, there are no lectures on this course. This course is entirely independent.***

    Building site monitoring is primarily carried out as building site monitoring (1). The course can also be completed as a building site internship (2) or in essay format (3). Also previous experience on a building site can be used for the course if you have the documentation (photos for monitoring, work certificate for internship).

    The course is completed independently. You can complete the course at your own pace. See instructions for starting and submitting below. You only need to start once and submit once even though there are several folders in Assignments.

    There are no lectures or meeting during the course. However if you need guidance or support, contact teacher (simon.mahringer@aalto.fi).




    Course can be started at the beginning of each period by submitting 1xA4 basic info about site/essay. You only need to do this once when it's most convenient for you. Include your name and student number and 

    1) MONITORING: name and location of site, intended monitoring schedule, designer and scope of the building, e.g. plans or other basic drawings.

    2) INTERNSHIP: no need for pre-submition. You can directly submit the Internship form and Work Certificate. See materials. If you have done a site internship already in your BA, you don't need to redo it. You can use the credits for something else. You can, but you don't have to.

    3) ESSAY: suggestion for the subject of the essay, examples of sources you intend to use, intended schedule


    1) Building Site Monitoring 

    Building Site Monitoring is the primary way of completing the course. It means that you do not work on a construction site but you visit a site regularly, make observations, take photos, draw and compile a report about your findings. 

    You must find the site and a permition to visit yourself. Unfortunately we have no resources to find a site for each student. You can try to contact an architecture office and ask if you can join them on their weekly visits on site or you can contact one of the construction companies directly and ask them for permission to monitor the site. 

    You should follow the building site for 6 months, once a week. Weekly visits are recommended to see the progress well enough. If it's impossible, the duration of the monitoring must be extended accordingly. Much shorter period is not possible. Monitoring should cover most of the main construction phases. E.g. in the beginning of a site, there are excavations and similar preparations that are not useful for monitoring for weeks on end. Try to schedule your monitoring so that you see a variety of different phases.

    Make 1-2-page report of each visit (photos+text+drawings). Also attach main drawings (site plan, floor plans, sections, elevations), list of responsible parties/people and site schedule. Also there must be a written mention whether the report may be published or not. Don't forget your name and student number. The results are compiled into an A4 size booklet and submitted in Mycourses for approval.

    Also personal construction work carried out without a qualified employer can be accepted as building site monitoring. Similar report must be made.

    Before beginning the monitoring, you must send a proposal of the building site for approval. 

    2) Building Site Internship

    The aim of the building site internship is to acquaint the student with the physical and social environment, traditions, problems and their solutions on the construction site. Work done in sales or demonstration positions is not accepted as training. A completed training before the start of the study may be accepted provided that it meets the requirements for the internship.

    Documents to be returned from site training and delivery method

    1. Report of building site internship See materials.

    2. Certificate of employment. (Signature of a qualified construction professional from a construction contractor, etc.). The certificate states e.g. employer, duration of internship, and job duties.

    The documents listed above will be submitted through Mycourses for approval by the teacher in charge.

    3) Essay

    The essay task is an alternative method of completion if no monitoring or training site can be found. The purpose of the essay task is to acquaint the student with the implementation phase of a construction project and related practices. A list of possible sources can be found in Materials. You can also suggest your own. The essay can be e.g.

    - a literary essay based on 1-2 of the books in the literary list or a book of your choosing (get approval first).

    - a comparison between the building permit process in Finland and another country

    - a subject of your choosing (get approval first)


    When you're done, submit your report/essay/documents to the timely folder in Mycourses Assignments at the end of a period. Wait for possible requests for additions/modifications, make them if needed and wait for your credits. Make sure you choose a submission folder so that we have enough time to check the results before e.g. your graduation. According to Aalto rules, teachers have four weeks (28 days) for publishing the results.