Topic outline

  • General

    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    - Organise arguments clearly, cohesively, and concisely in speaking and writing
    - Communicate ideas and arguments effectively in English in group projects and intercultural settings
    - Apply academic writing conventions to different genres of written communication
    - Apply effective strategies to the delivery of a presentation to a target audience
    - Complete the assignments required by their other studies more successfully

    This course prepares students for spoken and written communication that is related to the context of Quantum Tech courses or other courses as well as the students’ future professional careers. During the Quantum Tech integrated English course, students participate in individual, pair, and group work as a way to enhance their speaking and writing skills in English. To achieve this, the students will participate in a variety of communicative activities throughout the studies dealing with subjects, such as presentations, team communication, intercultural communication, and academic writing. Note that students may be videoed for oral assignments.

    Working Life Skills:

    Know-how related to my own field of studies, Knowledge of research in own field, Skills in a foreign language, Skills related to working in an international environment, Entrepreneurial skills, Problem-solving skills, Information retrieval skills, Ethical consciousness, Oral & Written communication, Team work skills, Skills in social relations, Self-awareness, Creativity, Critical thinking skills, Analytical skills, Lifelong learning skills, Career planning skills, and Self-confidence.

    We will have all our meetings in Zoom. There will be a Zoom link below, and I will also email the link shortly before the first session. Download the Zoom client if you haven't already (search for "Aalto Zoom Quick Guide" for instructions if you are unsure). Please attend the Zoom sessions on a desktop or laptop with a webcam if possible. Earphones/buds or headphones will be useful. It would be nice to sometimes switch to mobile devices too, so you should also download Zoom onto your phone or a tablet if possible. Check that your internet connection is as good as it can be.

    I'm looking forward to seeing you on Wednesdays and Fridays at 1230–1400. See you then!



    Periods I – II Wednesdays and Fridays 12.30 - 14.00

    Online, Zoom link:

    Here are the groups you'll work in as well as Friday's room for you to gather in to be able to use cameras and microphones in case you are on campus.

    The updated presentation schedule:





    November 12

    November 24


    November 12

    November 24


    November 19

    December 1



    November 19

    December 1



    November 19

    December 3



    November 17

    November 26


    November 17

    December 1



    November 19

    November 26

    • Not available unless: You belong to H04 (SISU)
      Questions, comments, etc. regarding the course Forum

      This is where you can discuss any matters related to the course. This used to be a standard part of all MyCourses workspaces, but for some reason I had to add it. If you have questions on the assignements or anything else, this would be the place to ask them, since most likely someone else is wondering about the same thing.