LCA-1020 - Academic Communication for Master´s Students (o,w), Lecture, 28.2.2022-11.4.2022
This course space end date is set to 11.04.2022 Search Courses: LCA-1020
Topic outline
The course is intended for graduate students in master's programs who are not yet in the process of writing their master's theses, or who are in the early stages of writing. It introduces written and oral communication principles and strategies applicable for academic and research purposes, such as the master's thesis project. Students begin by writing on a topic from their own field of study based on previous (Bachelor-level) or ongoing (Masters-level) research. To enhance readability of the texts, students apply organisational patterns and other writing principles. Students also apply techniques for citing sources and avoiding plagiarism. Based on their written work, students prepare and deliver an oral presentation. As part of the learning process, students analyse presentations to identify their strengths and areas for improvement, as well as practice organizing and presenting information clearly to a non-expert, but academic audience. Throughout the course, students work individually, in pairs and in small groups to develop their presentation and writing skills. Moreover, students give and receive constructive feedback on their work and revise it accordingly.
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to
- Recognise the strategies and elements that enhance clarity and audience-friendliness in both written and oral communication
Teacher: Susan Gamache,
- Apply these strategies and elements in writing and oral presentations related to their field of study
- Distinguish between formal and informal styles of communication and vary the style according to the target audience and text type
- Apply a process approach to the development of their oral and written workClasses on Mondays and Thursdays 12.30-15 (max, we might finish earlier depending on the week) in Posti U259 (Feb 28 - Apr 11) NB! Mon, Mar 14 will be independent study, and Mon, Mar 28 a virtual office hour in Zoom (a chance for you to ask questions about your tasks if you have any). A detailed course schedule will be published on Mon, Feb 28. NOTE: Mon Feb 28 class in Zoom
Course schedule File PDF
Course info sheet File PDF