31C014100 - Russian Economy: Opportunities and Challenges for Doing Business, Lecture, 1.11.2021-15.12.2021
This course space end date is set to 15.12.2021 Search Courses: 31C014100
Deadline: 25 JANUARY, 2022, 23:55.
Here you can pick your unique number for exam.
After you choose your number, you can go to the file "companies_orbis", select a sheet with your number - there you will find the companies for which you make your exam task.
Each student gest a set of 5 companies.
companies_orbis Fil XLSX
Here you will find sets of companies for each choice.
basic_info_file XLSX
This is the file you need to complete and submit as part of your exam (see instructions).
example Fil XLSX
This is an example for making basic_info file.
Here you submit your exam files: excel file "basic_info" and word/pdf file with company reports.
Grades Fil XLSX