CHEM-E1100 - Plant Biomass, Lecture, 13.9.2021-28.10.2021
This course space end date is set to 28.10.2021 Search Courses: CHEM-E1100
Topic outline
- Lectures: On each Monday at 14:15-16:00 and Wednesday at 8:15-10:00 in Zoom on weeks 37-41 (check the Zoom link under section 'Zoom link to lectures). The lectures will be recorded and posted under section 'Materials'
- Laboratory works: Primarily on weeks 39-42. Each student needs to be in laboratory two full days (9-17), one day for microscopic studies and another for chemical characterization (engineering students) or preparative works (other students). NOTE! Working in CHEM's laboratories requires passing its laboratory safety course before entering the laboratories. If you haven't passed the safety course yet, register on CHEM-E0140 Laboratory Safety Course in Sisu and do the electronic course under its MyCourses pages asap.
- Group assignment and self-studying: Each student needs to participate in writing a group assignment report on a selected topic that requires application of what has been discussed on the lectures and studying literature.
- Seminar on the group assignments: The seminar will be organized in Zoom on October 28 at 14:00-18:00. Each group needs to make a short presentation will slides and participate in making questions/giving feedback on another presentation.
The lectures will start with an overview to the significance of biomass, followed by an introduction to the living functions of plants and a more detailed survey on their anatomical structures and chemical composition. Laboratory works will complement the understanding on plants' structure on microscopic level and provide tools for quantifying the main components of lignocellulosic biomass. The main ways to fractionate biomass for manufacturing of various materials and chemical products will be presented on the lectures. In the group assignments students need to study a selected topic in more details and apply the general knowledge of the lectures. The course is built around the idea on sustainable use of biomass and enhances student's group work and communication skills in a multidisciplinary environment.