Topic outline

  • General

    Welcome slide

    General Information

    This course is organized in an online form. All sessions will be organized in ZOOM. 

    Detailed instruction on how to use ZOOM you can find here:

    Click here to join the ZOOM session (the same link for all lectures and virtual classroom)

    Passcode (if requested): FMP2021

    Online lectures

    ·         Wednesdays 10.15-12.00

    ·         Thursdays 9.00-10.15

    Virtual classroom

    ·         Thursdays 10.30 – 12:15

    Final exam

    ·         Tuesday, 26 October, 09.00 13:00


    Rodrigo Serna Guerrero

    Anna Klemettinen

    Evaluation rules

    ·         4 Assignments (10% each)

    ·         1 Group presentation (20%)

    ·         Final exam (40%)

    ·         Some exercises in lectures may give extra-points: Participate actively in online lectures!

    A minimum of 67% is needed to pass the course… but all assignments and presentation need to be submitted everything to obtain a passing grade.