CHEM-E7115 - Experimental Assignments in Chemical Engineering, Lecture, 13.1.2022-24.5.2022
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 24.05.2022 Etsi kursseja: CHEM-E7115
Osion kuvaus
Obligatory starting lecture Thu 13.1.2022 at 10.15-12.00
The MyCourses workspace for this course (starting in January) is the same that is used for the running course (started in August), found in MyCourses CHEM-E7115 Experimental assignments in Chemical engineering, Lecture, 13.09.2021-10.12.2021.
New students will be added to the MyCourses workspace of the fall course by teachers. Please contact Tiia Viinikainen ( if you don't have access to the workspace of this course.