Osion kuvaus

    • Kansio icon
      1. week: Solar system, planets & space environment Kansio

      Teaching method: Live zoom lecture
      Teacher: Esa Kallio
      Lecture slides: (Monday) 1_IntroductiontoSpace-SpacePlasmaPhysics_Kallio_20210920.pdf
                               (Tuesday) Introduction_to_Space-1_Lecture_Practise_Kallio_20210921.pdf
      • Solar system structure and bodies, such as planets.
      • Space as an environment for satellites.

    • Kansio icon
      2. week: Plasma 1, Observations Kansio

      Teaching method: Live zoom lecture
      Teacher: Esa Kallio
      Lecture slides:  (Monday) 2-IntroductiontoSpace-SpacePlasmaPhysics_Kallio_20210927.pdf
                                (Tuesday) Introduction_to_Space-2_Lecture_Practice_Kallio_20210928.pdf
      Extra material: Suomi 100 satellite's measurements, sonified (Suomi100_Media1.wav)
      • Space plasma missions and instruments.

    • Kansio icon
      3. week: Plasma 2, Modelling Kansio

      Teaching method: Live zoom lecture
      Teacher: Esa Kallio
      Lecture slides: (Monday) 3-IntroductiontoSpace-SpacePlasmaPhysics_Kallio_20211004.pdf
                               (Tuesday) Introduction_to_Space-3_Lecture_Practice_Kallio_20211005.pdf
      • Interpretation of observations by models and simulations.

    • Kansio icon
      4. week: Coordinate systems and time Kansio

      Teaching method: Preliminary work and a zoom lecture.

      Teacher: Merja Tornikoski

      There is preliminary work assigned to this material, please see the section "Preliminary work and assignments".

      Slide set 1 was self-study material, Slide sets 2 and 3 were covered in the lecture. 

      The fourth slide set includes material shown in the practise session, including solutions to the group exercises.

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: Kenttä Sähköpostiosoite sisältää aalto
      Kansio icon
      5. week: Celestial mechanics slides and lecture recording Kansio

      Teaching method: Zoom lecture and workshop

      Teacher: Jaan Praks

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: Kenttä Sähköpostiosoite sisältää aalto
      Kansio icon
      6. Week. Space Tech History, slides and video + workshop video Kansio

      Teaching method: Zoom lecture and workshop

      Teacher: Jaan Praks

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: Kentän Sähköpostiosoite sisältö päättyy näin: aalto.fi
      Kansio icon
      7. & 8. weeks: Emission mechanisms (self study) Kansio
    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija
      Kansio icon
      9. week: Galactic astronomy 1 Kansio

      Teaching method: Zoom lecture and Zoom practice session

      Teacher: Anne Lähteenmäki, Irene Björklund

      For further details on magnitudes, see the book "Fundamental Astronomy" by Karttunen et al., especially Chapter 4 on Photometric concepts and magnitudes. It's a good text book for all astronomy topics in general!

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija
      Kansio icon
      10. week: Galactic astronomy 2 Kansio

      Teaching method: Zoom lecture and Zoom practice session

      Teacher: Anne Lähteenmäki, Irene Björklund

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: Kentän Sähköpostiosoite sisältö päättyy näin: aalto.fi
      Kansio icon
      7.12. Lecture "Extragalactic astronomy". Kansio

      Teaching method: Zoom lecture

      Teacher: Merja Tornikoski