Osion kuvaus

  • 10 weekly assignments:

    - Opened on Thursdays at 12:00 (noon).

    - 8 days to return the answer (deadline: Friday at 12:00, noon)


    - Model answers opened on Fridays at 12:05 (noon)

    - 7 days to return the self-grading (deadline: Friday at 12:00, noon)

    Self-grading the assignments

    Based on the criteria given in the model answers, you will grade, by yourself, your own assignments, during the next week after the submission deadline. You submit your grading by adding a comment to your submission in the following format, containing the total number of points (SELFGRADE), followed by how many points you got from each task. After that you can add free-form feedback, especially if you didn't understand something either in the exercise or the model answers.

    You are encouraged to discuss and ask about the model answers and exercises in the forum as well, as long as you don't give away entire solutions before the submission deadline. You may use the comment field for other comments as well, but please include the SELFGRADE-keyword in all caps, so we can find the grading easily.

    You can also ask details about the evaluation criteria at the end of Tuesday's lecture after about 13:45.

    Please note that the teacher will finally decide how many points you get, i.e. you may get finally less (or more!) points as your self-grading points are.

    Example self-grading comment:


    SELFGRADE: Total 4.5 points

    Task 1: 2.5 points:

          - Task 1.1:  1 point

          - Task 1.2:  1.5 points

    Task 2: 2.0 points:

          - Task 2.1:  1 point

          - Task 2.2:  1 point

    I didn't understand what was meant in Task 1.2., so I couldn't finish it. After reading the excellent model solution it dawned on me that I was just misreading the task.

    In Task 2, I got all requirements correctly to get the points, but I noticed something weird in how the tachyon flux was derived, compared to Brown, E. & McFly, M., 2015.


    End of example.

    • Tehtävä icon
      Practice session 4.3.2022: The 1st assignment (individual) Tehtävä

      Tools for the course: ParaView and MULTI

    • Tehtävä icon
      Self-evaluation No 1 Tehtävä

      Provide here your 1st self-evaluation text.

    • Tehtävä icon
      Practice session 11.3.2022: The 2nd assignment (individual) UPDATED 11.3. Tehtävä

      Topic: Single particle motion

    • Tehtävä icon
      Self-evaluation No 2 Tehtävä

      Provide here your 2nd self-evaluation text.

    • Tehtävä icon
      Practice session 18.3.2022: The 3rd assignment (individual). Updated 18.3. Tehtävä

      Topics: plasma state, velocity distribution function, macroscopic parameters

    • Tehtävä icon
      Self-evaluation No 3 Tehtävä

      Provide here your 3rd self-evaluation text.

    • Tehtävä icon
      Practice session 25.3.2022: The 4th assignment (individual) Tehtävä

      Topics: Fluid description and MHD

    • Tehtävä icon
      Self-evaluation No 4 Tehtävä

      Model solutions for assignment 4.

    • Tehtävä icon
      Practice session 1.4.2022: The 5th assignment (individual) Tehtävä

      Topics: MHD, magnetic diffusion, pressure balance, Rankine-Hugoniot relations

    • Tehtävä icon
      Self-evaluation No 5 Tehtävä

      Model solutions for assignment 5.

    • Tehtävä icon
      Practice session 8.4.2022: The 6th assignment (individual) Tehtävä

      Topic: plasma waves

    • Tehtävä icon
      Self-evaluation No 6 Tehtävä

      Model solutions for assignment 6.

    • Tehtävä icon
      Practice session 22.4.2022: The 7th assignment (individual) Tehtävä

      The 7th assignment: The Sun and the solar wind

    • Tehtävä icon
      Self-evaluation No 7 Tehtävä

      Model solutions for assignment 7.

    • Tehtävä icon
      Practice session 29.4.2022: The 8th assignment (individual) Tehtävä

       The 8th assignment: The moon like interaction

    • Tehtävä icon
      Self-evaluation No 8 Tehtävä

      Model solutions for assignment 8.

    • Tehtävä icon
      Practice session 6.5.2022: The 9th assignment (individual) Tehtävä

      The 9th assignment: Comets and comet-like interaction

    • Tehtävä icon
      Self-evaluation No 9 Tehtävä

      Model solutions for assignment 9.

    • Tehtävä icon
      Practice session 13.5.2022: The 10th assignment (individual) Tehtävä

      The 10th assignment: Atmospheres, ionospheres and Venus-like interaction

    • Tehtävä icon
      Self-evaluation No 10 Tehtävä

      Model solutions for assignment 10.

    • Tehtävä icon
      ------------- The Final Assignment -------------------- Tehtävä

      This folder includes the tasks for the Final Assignment and the needed files.

       Final Assignment: SpacePhysics2022_Final_Assignment_20220516-Updated20220525.pdf