
  • Welcome to the Internet Protocols course! 

    The first lecture will be given online on January 13 , 2022 (Thursday). Here is the link to the first lecture.

    Please note that it is mandatory to attend the first lecture. If you do not come to the first lecture, we would assume that you have dropped the course. We will discuss course arrangements during the first lecture. In case you cannot come due to sick leaves for example, please inform the teacher beforehand.

    We use Microsoft Teams for online lectures and exercise sessions. If you have registered before Jan 7, you should have received an invitation to a Teams team called 'ELEC-E7320 Internet Protocols Spring 2022', and will get automatically calendar invitations for all the online sessions. In case you have not received the invitation, please contact our course assistants. We will still use MyCourses for publishing learning materials and collecting submissions. 

    Please check the prerequisites below before you decide whether to take this course. You can also check the preliminary schedule of lectures and the brief description of assignments beforehand. 



    Students should have basic programming skills (e.g. C, Python). You can take for example CS-A1113 Basics in Programming beforehand.  

    -  Students should learn basics in Linux before taking this course. One option is to take ELEC-A7310 Linux Basics. We will use Linux machines for experiment. 

    - In case you have never taken any networking course and would like to attend this course, we highly recommend you to learn basics of networking principles and TCP/IP protocols beforehand. You can for example take ELEC-C7420 Basic Principles in Networking, or at least read the related chapters in a textbook (e.g. J.F. Kurose and K.W.Ross, Computer Networking - A top-down approach, 6th edition, Addison Wesley). 

    -  We highly recommend students to take ELEC-E7130 Internet Traffic Measurements and Analysis beforehand. In case you have not taken this course, please prepare yourselves by studying the tutorials on network measurement listed on the Materials page. We also suggest you installing Wireshark on your machines beforehand.

    - Group work is included. Make sure you would be committed to the group work during the course.


    If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the course, please feel free to contact the course teacher. 

    Teacher:   Prof. Yu Xiao   yu.xiao(at)aalto.fi

    Course Assistants: 

    Xuebing Li  xuebing.li(at)aalto.fi

    Tom Railio  tom.railio(at)aalto.fi 

    • Gruppval icon
      Group Registration Gruppval
      Tillgänglig om: Du tillhör gruppen L01 (SISU)

      Max 3 students/group for Option 1 and Option 2.

      Max 2 students/group for Option 3.

    • Omröstning icon
      Assignment selection Opinionsmätning
      Tillgänglig om: Du tillhör en grupp i AssignmentGroup