Topic outline

  • Introduction to the Course

    A research project can be an extended laboratory work, molecular simulation or some other theoretical work. The student becomes acquainted with the project through a literature survey, makes the project and reports it either in the form of a written report or a seminar presentation.  "Research project in chemistry II" can be combined with the course "Research project in chemistry I" to yield a 10 ECTS entity. Overall, the course(s) lay(s) good foundations for upcoming Master Thesis work.

    As the individual reaches project is carried out under close supervision by an experienced doctoral student, post doctor or professor, high motivation and capability for independent working is required from the master student to carry out the research work and related advanced reporting.  Moreover, earlier studies and knowledge on the field of the individual research project is required to successfully carry out the course.  

    To get started, select the discipline under the Chemistry Major you are interested in and contact the corresponding Professor. To get an idea of the research themes investigated in the Chemistry Major Professors' research groups you can study the webpages of the Department of Chemistry and Materials Sciences (Department of Chemistry and Materials Science | Aalto University).  Alternatively, get acquainted with the short descriptions given here.”