MEC-E1080 - Production Engineering, Lecture, 27.9.2021-14.12.2021
This course space end date is set to 14.12.2021 Search Courses: MEC-E1080
The course will start September 27th remotely at 14:15-16:15 with Teams.
In production Engineering course you be required to research a particular area and produce a individual seminar work, present work, and act as opponent. There will be also two compulsory exercises:(simulation and CAM+demostration) and compulsory a series of questions.
Coursebook: Serope Kalpakjian, Steven R. Smith, K.S. Vijay Sekar, Manufacturing Engineering and Technology, 7th ed. Pearson, ISBN 978-981-06-9406-7
Course material: Nee, A. Y. (Ed.). (2015). Handbook of manufacturing engineering and technology. Springer Reference.
All lectures, seminars, simulation and CAM sessions will be arranged through Teams.•Lecture sessions on Mondays from14:15-16:00 and Wednesdays from 12:15-14:00 (period I).
27.09 Course introduction
29.09 Industrial Robot04.10 Numerical control I
06.10 Numerical control II11.10 Simulation I
13.10 Simulation II18.10 Robot programming
20.10 Robot offline programming and simulation– from design to manufacturing
Seminar presentations: 17.11, 24.11, 26.11, 01.12 and 02.12
01.11 Simulation exercise 13:00-15 remotely
08.11 CAM-session 09:00-11:00 remotelyCAM-demonstration:
•29.11 13:00 -14:30 remotely
Not compulsory
•04.11 CAD-modelling session 12:15-14:00, remotely