MEC-E6003 - Materials Safety D, Lecture, 17.9.2021-29.10.2021
This course space end date is set to 29.10.2021 Search Courses: MEC-E6003
Topic outline
MEC-E6003 Materials Safety is lectured by Prof. Iikka Virkkunen.
After completing this course, the students will have the tools to understand material behavior under various loading conditions and in different environments, are able assess risks related to deformation and fracture of materials, can identify factors potentially leading to failures, will be familiar with deformation mechanisms, principles of fracture mechanics and fracture appearance, and are able to comprehend, analyze and apply relative literature, scientific articles, standards and test results. The main topics of the Materials Safety course are:
- Deformation mechanisms
- Creep
- Fracture mechanics
- Cleavage fracture
- Fatigue
The course textbook is "Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of Engineering Materials", by Hertzberg, RW. ISBN:978-0470527801.
Due to COVID-19, exceptional teaching arrangements are followed in 2021. The course lectures are arranged in Zoom (i.e. no physical lectures this year) starting from 2021-09-17, 10:15. In addition to the lectures, the course will include two assignments and five article review exercises. The assignments include laboratory work and literature review and they are performed in small groups. Further instructions on how to successfully complete the assignments and the article exercises will be given on the first lecture session. Therefore, participating to this lecture is essential. Due to the exceptional conditions, the arrangements may change during the course. All immediate notices will be communicated via e-mail to registered students. Also, if you need to reach the teaching staff, please use email (
The course assistant is Henrik Sirén and can be reached via email:
The first lecture starts live in Zoom: on 2021-09-17 10:15. Thereafter, the theoretical lectures are implemented as panopto recordings (links in the course section). The 10-12 time slot is traditionally reserved for the theoretical lecture, but you are free to watch the lectures at your convenience. 12:15 – 14:00 will be a discussion section live in Zoom (link above). Make sure you have watched the lectures before the discussion section.
Welcome to the course!
Iikka Virkkunen
- Deformation mechanisms