Topic outline

  • General

    About Sisu: To receive credit for this class, or to get your exercises graded in the first place, you need to be enrolled in Sisu.

    All online: CS-E5520 Advanced Computer Graphics will be held remotely in spring 2022. Due to the still ongoing pandemic, CS-E5520 will feature no contact teaching (lectures or physical exercise sessions). Instead, lectures are held online in Zoom (first lecture on January 19 at, and slides will be posted here on MyCourses. There will be no exams.

    Communication and Slack. Official communication will be sent as messages in the Announcements forum here in MyCourses, so make sure you are subscribed. All communications related to class contents — both lectures and exercises — will be handled through a specific Slack instance (see next paragraph). There is a Slack channel #lecture_qa for asking questions about the contents of the lectures.

    Signing up to Slack. Please sign up using this link, making sure to use the same email address registered to you in Sisu. Please sign up with your full name as the display name. (If you find this unacceptable, please note that you are not required to use Slack at all to pass.)

    Exercise sessions are held as "Slack office hours" according to the schedule in Sisu where the teaching assistants patrol the assignment-specific Slack channel. You are encouraged to ask and answer each others' questions on the same channels also outside of the sessions.

    Submitting exercises. All exercise instructions will be published on MyCourses, and turning your submissions in will also take place here. We do not use A+ in this class. All programming assignments are to be completed remotely. For those students who have no access to a suitable computer at home, we have prepared a guide for using the Aalto VDI virtual machine system ("On remote working", found in the Materials section.)