CS-E5710 - Bayesian Data Analysis D, Lecture, 13.9.2021-9.12.2021
This course space end date is set to 09.12.2021 Search Courses: CS-E5710
In Autumn 2021 the course will be arranged completely online (pre-recorded lectures, live zoom QA sessions, course chat, online TA sessions, assignments and project submitted online, project presentation online). The registration for the course lectures will be used to estimate the need for the online resources. If you are unable to register for the course at the moment in the Sisu, there is no need to email the lecturer. You can start taking the course and register before the end of the course. Sisu shows rooms on campus for the computer exercises, but all the computer exercises and TA sessions are online. You can choose which TA session to join each week separately, without a need to register for those sessions.
This MyCourses course page will be used only to share links (see below) to Peergrade, Q&A session Zoom webinar, the course Zulip chat, and some questionnaires (using MyCourses for the authentication).
For all other course information see the BDA course web page.
Course results updated 7.3.2022 Fil CSV
Weekly interactive Q&A session with the lecturer. Prepare to ask questions about the topic of the week or any other unclear topics related to the course or Bayesian data analysis in general. Passcode 826379.
The course Zulip chat. This is the main channel to ask questions and contact the teachers. As the chat is monitored by the lecturer and 9 TAs, and there are many other students, you will get answers much faster than emailing just one course staff member. Signin with Aalto account.
This short questionnaire is used to monitor the time required in the weekly course assignments. All responses are anonymous.
This short questionnaire is used to monitor the time required in the weekly course assignments. All responses are anonymous.
This short questionnaire is used to monitor the time required in the weekly course assignments. All responses are anonymous.
This short questionnaire is used to monitor the time required in the weekly course assignments. All responses are anonymous.
This short questionnaire is used to monitor the time required in the weekly course assignments. All responses are anonymous.
This short questionnaire is used to monitor the time required in the weekly course assignments. All responses are anonymous.
This short questionnaire is used to monitor the time required in the weekly course assignments. All responses are anonymous.
This short questionnaire is used to monitor the time required in the weekly course assignments. All responses are anonymous.
This short questionnaire is used to monitor the time required in the weekly course assignments. All responses are anonymous.
Write down the Aalto-emails and student numbers (Aalto-email studentID) of all team members, separated by commas. (If you write something else than Aalto-email, there can be delays in connecting the project presentation results to other results)
You can upload your presentation slides to help in grading using this submission box.