Topic outline

  • LC-1112 Online Presentations Skills for Engineers, PV, V30-V31

    The course materials (the weekly sections) will be opened to confirmed & invited course participants after invitations to join have been sent via email. 

    Instructor: Heli Dahlin heli.dahlin (at)
    Aalto University Language Centre, Otakaari 1.

    This course is mainly based on working independently and online, with compulsory participation in three live sessions: the kick-off meeting (online), one of the rehearsal sessions (on campus) and one of the final presentation sessions (on campus).

    You will complete the first introductory assignment on the course during the kick-off meeting. So, make sure that you can attend the kick-off meeting! 

    The rehearsal and final presentation sessions will be arranged on campus in small groups, the pandemic situation permitting. More information about the rehearsal and final presentation sessions is available in the weekly sections. The sign-up schedulers for booking your slot for the rehearsals and final presentations will be opened later during the course. Heli will send an announcement when they will open. Spaces are limited.

    Kick-off meeting for all in Zoom:

    • Tue 19.04.2022, at 15:15-16:00

    Practice sessions (U413c, Otakaari 1):

    • Wed 11.05., at 12:30-14:30; or
    • Wed 11.05., at 15:00-17:00; or  
    • Thu 12.05., at 12:30-14:30; or
    • Thu 12.05., at 15:00-17:00; or [canceled due to lack of bookings]
    • Fri 13.05., at 12:30-14:30; or
    • Fri 13.05., at 15:00-17:00
    Final presentations (U413c, Otakaari 1):

    • Tue 24.05., at 10:15-11:45; or
    • Tue 24.05., at 12:30-14:00; or
    • Tue 24.05., at 14:15-15:45; or
    • Wed 25.05., at 14:15-15:45; or
    • Wed 25.05., at 16:15-17:45
    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Overview of assignments Page
    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Course books (electronic) Page
    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Grading Page
    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Final presentation: grading rubric File PDF
    • Scheduler 1: practice sessions (sign up!)
    • Scheduler 2: final presentations (sign up!)