Topic outline

  • Home Page

    Welcome to the home page of the Fatigue of Structure course. Here you can find basic information on the course.

    The course focuses on the fatigue assessment of engineering components and structures. Lectures cover an introduction to fatigue phenomena, main methods for fatigue assessment (i.e. stress-based and strain-based approach, fracture mechanics approach), fatigue assessment of welds and residual stress effect, introduction to multiaxial fatigue and statistical aspects.  Weekly assignments (1-6) and optional final project permit the students to apply the acquire competencies to practical cases of engineering relevance. If student selects optional final project, this replaces two last assignments (5-6). Assignment and project reports are delivered in pdf format using to MyCourse page. The pdf files should be clearly named such as AssignmentNumber_FirstName_Surname.pdf.

    After the course you:

    • understand the material behavior under cyclic loading and fatigue phenomenon;
    • can identify the main affecting factors and requirements for fatigue assessment;
    • understand the main modeling principles and assumption used in common fatigue approaches;
    • can apply selected fatigue approach for structural design.

    In addition to lectures, a weekly-workshop is held based on students' questions. The questions are collected in advance, through dedicated forum Weekly Workshops (see below). Deadline for posting questions: 10 AM every Thursday.

    The course is 5 ECTS and it requires in average 135 working hours from participants.

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      Course Introduction File PDF

      Introduction to the course provides the most important information, e.g. contact information, learning objectives of the course, detailed course contents and organization, recommended study material, introduction to optional project-work. 

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      Grading Framework File PDF

      Assignments including optional project and final test are assessed according to the grading framework presented in the file attached. The total grade of an assignment, project or final test is the arithmetic average of the scores obtained in the performance levels. The final grade of the course is a weighted average: 50% assignments including optional project, 50% final test.

      Requirements for passing: 

      • All weekly assignments including optional project work are delivered in time and passed (grade greater than or equal to 1/5);
      • Passing the final test (grade greater than or equal to 1/5).

      The final test 
      consists of 4 problems, all of equal value, covering theory (open questions) and calculations (along the lines of the assignments). At least 1 problem is usually dedicated only to theory.

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      Weekly Workshops Forum

      Post your questions for the next workshop. DL 10-AM every Thursday.

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      Optional project work Page

      General information to know at the beginning of the course, regarding projects and groups. Reference material and submission in the section Project Cases.

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      General discussion Forum
    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Announcements Forum