Topic outline

  • Welcome to join Intercultural Communication!

    This course is about the effects of the global business environment on communication practice in general and multilingual and multicultural challenges in particular.

    We'll be focusing on, for example,

    • latest approaches to  intercultural communication
    • concepts of culture, language and multilingualism and how their different conceptualizations may impact research and practice
    • the notion of 'corporate language' in multinational companies and its power implications for individuals and management
    • cultural diversity and multilingualism in both corporate and interpersonal communication
    • culturally intelligent attitude and behavior

    • Not available unless: You belong to L01 (SISU)
      File icon
      Syllabus updated on 7 March File PDF

      Update about readings for 15 March class (all readings voluntary - only giving background).

    • Not available unless: You belong to L01 (SISU)
      Folder icon
      Some photos from 5 April Folder
    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Group choice icon
      Clicking into groups Group choice

      Click yourself into a group for Assignment 3 (Book review) here. Since it's a group assignment, the MC system requires that everybody has a group - even if you've decided to work alone.

      There's no rush yet but you could start thinking about possible books you'd like to review. Some examples of possible books you can find in the Materials folder. When you've decided on the book, please indicate it in the General discussion forum above this box.

      P.S.  You can update/change your group choice.