ELEC-C8201 - Control and automation, Lecture, 11.1.2022-12.4.2022
This course space end date is set to 12.04.2022 Search Courses: ELEC-C8201
Topic outline
1.Control part ( 8 lectures, 8 exercise sessions, 8 Quizzes,
4 homework problems)
- Kai Zenger (Maarintie 8, TuAs, room 3574), distant
- Abolfazli Elham (Otakaari 5, room 1305a), distant
- Al Mahmud Shamsul, (assistant), distant
2. Automation part (4 lectures, 4 exercises, 2 homework problems.
Details of the automation part will be published, when that part
begins, March 15th)
-Valeriy Vyatkin (TuAs, 3575), distant-Atmojo Udayanto, assistant, (TuAs, 3558), distant-Pranay Jhunjhunwala, assistant, distantCourse evaluation: (Lecture problems (Quizzes), Homework, Final exam.) Normal exercise sessions are not graded.
12 Quiz problems, max 12x1=12 points
6 Homework assignments, max 6x6=36 points
Exam: 6 problems max 10 points each, max 60 points.
The weights: Quiz 10%, Homework 30%, Exam 60%
Grading: %: 40: 1, 50:2, 60:3, 70:4, 80:5
(if you have reached 40%, then grade is 1, etc.)
Dear Students,
In collaboration with Schneider Electric, we are planning Hackathon on programming with IEC 61499 in September 2022.
The Hackathon will be a team competition (probably, teams of 3). It will be conducted live at Aalto University (1-2 days, maybe over the weekend). Winners will get cool prizes, such as popular computing devices and internship at one of the global labs of Schneider Electric.
Now we are trying to estimate the potential number of participants and identify the most suitable time. Please indicate your preferences by answering the following questions.