Topic outline

  • General


    USP header image

    The aim of the Urban Challenge Studio I is to prepare the student for understanding and contributing to the complexity of a planning outcome. The focus of the studio work is on PLAN-MAKING – understood generally as the collective action for answering future needs.

    The site selected for the Autumn 2021 course is 50 km2 slice of metropolitan fringe in Vantaa reaching from Aviapolis to the edge of Sipoonkorpi National park. The area is dominated by the major European logistic corridor E18 (Helsinki Ring Road III) and a mosaic of varying land uses which are suggested to be knit together by means of a new Light Rail connection. 


    Every week has its own section where you will find two subfolders:

    - Weekly_Materials contains the Weekly exercise briefs, lectures slides/recordings, etc.
    - Coursework_Submissions is where you will upload your work. 

    In Coursework_Submissions, you will upload your exercise results “discussion topic” style. In the text box, you will write a brief abstract of your submission. Do not forget to add a title! The actual course work is attached in the form of a PDF (unless another file format is explicitly asked for) named "EX_topic_firstname_lastname.pdf" where X is the number of the weekly exercise. See MyCourses for additional info.

    Material posted in Coursework_Submissions is visible to all course participants, and you are encouraged to browse through, comment on, and discuss each other’s work.