Topic outline

  • IMAGE-BASED THINKING 5 cr / 2021

    Please fill the course feedback before NOV 2nd:

    Time: Wed 15.9. – 7.10. / from 9.15 AM to 4 PM

    Place: Wed 15.9. Väre: F101, wed 22.9. - 28.10. Väre: R107

    The course is based on live-meetings and discussion, so if you miss more than 20% of the contact session you should consider the independent option.

    Place: Otaniemi campus (more info coming)

    check to day-specific program below:

    Obs! Pre- task for the first meeting: bring one image (that you find interesting for some reason) with you to the first meeting (Analog of digital).

    Introduction + course assignments

    9.15 AM – 12 AM 
    Exercise on Visual discourses
    working in pairs

    1 – 4 PM
    discussion: how do we recognize image as image?

    9.15 AM – 12 AM
    Lecture: How to describe the relationship between thinking, words and images?

    1 – 4 PM Exercise on Concepts, words, language and images
    Working in pairs


    9.15 AM – 12 AM
    (read the text beforehand, see below:

    Chapter "Vision" p. 239)

    discussion on vision, visibility, visuality


    7  PM kom-teatteri: Lou Salomé


    9.15 AM – 12 AM
    discussion based on the excursion

    1 – 4 PM
    not determined yet


    22.10. fall brake


    9.15 AM – 4 pM
    closing session