LC-1335 - Preparing for the Doctoral Defence (o), Lecture, 19.1.2022-23.2.2022
This course space end date is set to 23.02.2022 Search Courses: LC-1335
Topic outline
Image credit: A lecture. Credit: Wellcome Collection. Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) have four workshops on the course. The first workshop is on Wednesday, Jan 19th 2022, at 09:15-11:45, and thereafter, we continue to meet on Wednesday mornings (26.01, 02.02 & 09.02; all at 09:15-11:45). After our final workshop together, you are asked to submit the final assignment. To make the course start as smooth and meaningful for you as possible, you are asked to submit brief pre-course assignments relating to your thesis and your expectations before our first workshop. More information about these will be sent together with the invitation to join the course.Please note that the mode of teaching is planned to be on-campus for this course, as stated also in SISU. At the onset of course registrations, the instructions were to plan to have all teaching sessions on campus during PIII - we will keep an eye on the situation and follow the guidelines that will be in place in January and which may or may not be updated since the registration for this course began in December 2021.