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    • Literature of design focused sessions (Heidi's sessions)

      Adorno, Theodor. 1991. The culture industry. Selected essays on mass culture. London: Routledge.
      Arvas, Paula, and Voitto Ruohonen. 2016. Alussa oli murha. Johtolankoja rikoskirjallisuuteen. Helsinki: Gaudeamus.
      Booth, Michael. 2014. The Almost Nearly Perfect People. Behind The Myth Of The Scandinavian Utopia. London: Jonathan Cape.
      Bourdieu, Pierre. 1979. Distinction. A social critique of the judgment of taste. Translated by Richard Nice. New York: Routledge.
      Camacho, Maria. 2020. An integrative model of design thinking. Swinburne University of Technology.
      Casti, John L. 2010. Mood matters. From rising skirt lengths to the collapse of world powers. New York: Copernicus Books.
      Ceschin, Fabrizio, and Idil Gaziulusoy. 2016. Evolution of design for sustainability: From product design to design for system innovations and transitions. Design Studies 47, 118-163.
      Dant, Tim. 2005. Materiality and society. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
      Dunne, Anthony, and Fiona Raby. 2013. Speculative everything. Design, fiction, and social dreaming. Cambridge MA: MIT Press.
      Ehrenfeld, John R. 2008. Sustainability by design. New Haven: Yale University Press.
      Fokkinga, Steven, and Pieter Desmet. 2012. Darker shades of joy. The role of negative emotion in rich product experiences. Design Issues 28, no. 4: 42-56.
      Fry, Tony, Clive Dilnot, and Susan C Stewart. 2015. Design and the question of history. London: Bloomsbury.
      Goldman, Emma. 2014. Anarchism and other essays. Munich: BookRix.
      Highmore, Ben. 2002. Everyday life and cultural theory. An introduction. London: Routledge.
      Julier, Guy. 2014. The culture of design. 3rd edition. Los Angeles, CA: Sage.
      Kopytoff, Igor. 1986. The cultural biography of things. Commoditization as a process. In The social life of things. Commodities in cultural perspective, ed. Arjun Appadurai, 64-91. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
      Latour, Bruno. 2005. Reassembling the social. An introduction to Actor-Network-Theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
      Lehtonen, Turo-Kimmo. 2008. Aineellinen yhteisö. Helsinki: Tutkijaliitto.
      Marshall, Peter. 1993. Demanding the impossible. A history of anarchism. London: Harper Perennial.
      Miller, Daniel. 1992. Material culture and mass consumption. Oxford: Blackwell.
      Nestingen, Andrew, and Paula Arvas, eds. 2011. Scandinavian crime fiction. European crime fictions series. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
      Norman, Donald A. 2013. The design of everyday things. London: MIT Press.
      Paavilainen, Heidi, Petra Ahde-Deal, and Ilpo Koskinen. 2017. Dwelling with Design. The Design Journal 20, no. 1: 13-27.
      Papanek, Victor. 1973. Design for the real world. Human ecology and social change. Toronto: Bantam Books.
      Pyhtilä, Marko. Kansainväliset situationistit. Spektaakkelin kritiikki. Helsinki: Like.
      Rahkonen, Keijo, ed. 1995. Sosiologisen teorian uusimmat virtaukset. Helsinki: Gaudeamus.
      Resnick, Elizabeth, ed. 2019. The Social Design Reader. London: Bloomsbury.
      Schultz, P Wesley. 2000. Empathizing with nature. The effects of perspective taking on concern for environmental issues. Journal of Social Issues 56, no. 3: 391-406.
      Silverstone, Roger, Eric Hirsch, and David Morley. 1992. Information and communication technologies and the moral economy of the household. In Consuming technologies. Media and information in domestic spaces, eds. Roger Silverstone, and Eric Hirsch, 15-31. London: Routledge.
      Sparke, Penny. 2013. An introduction to design and culture, 1900 to the present. Third edition. London: Routledge.
      Valtonen, Anna. 2007. Redefining industrial design. Changes in the design practice in Finland. Helsinki: University of Art and Design Helsinki.
      Walker, Stuart. 2013. Design and Spirituality: Material Culture for a Wisdom Economy. Design Issues 29, no. 3: 89-107.